UPDATED. 2024-04-24 21:35 (수)
JC Square launches “Smart Safety Keeper Bot” applied with IoT technology
JC Square launches “Smart Safety Keeper Bot” applied with IoT technology
  • 이정형
  • 승인 2022.01.26 11:14
  • 댓글 0
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Expansion of the need for safety of workers at interior and apartment construction sites with the enforcement of the Serious Disaster Punishment Act

JC Square (CEO Masong-Hoon Mas), a company specializing in IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, announced on the 25th that it would launch a 'smart safety guard bot' (safety bot) for monitoring the safety of construction and interior sites. This product was developed with the judgment that "as the Serious Accident Punishment Act came into effect this year, real-time confirmation and action regarding worker safety and on-site work conditions became important."

JC Square, which has been developing air quality-related solutions, has launched a safety bot targeting construction sites.
JC Square, which has been developing air quality-related solutions, has launched a safety bot targeting construction sites.

Founded in 2005, JC Square has been in the IT business for 17 years and has been introducing air quality related solutions for construction sites. The purpose of this safety bot is to notify safety of various situations that may occur at interior construction sites.

It provides various services through linking sensors such as environment, fire detection, and water leakage, and intends to strengthen the safety guard function through AI learning such as event video storage service, field worker attendance management, safety construction training, and danger evacuation broadcasting.

The company said, "After completing internal verification through trial installation in 2021, we plan to continue upgrading so that it can be used in various spaces following the first release." "He said.

CEO Masong-hoon Masong-hoon said, “I realized the importance of safety management at construction sites while conducting business with Korea’s No. 1 interior service provider, and while thinking about products to prevent safety accidents such as fires and falls, I came to plan the safety bot.” We applied it to the field and confirmed the effect,” he explained.

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